Training and Credentialing

The Vaccination Hub is staffed by a medical offer and experienced immunisers will provide overarching supervision of vaccination and recovery. The Secretary of the Victorian Department of Health issued an Emergency Order in late-February to allow wider staff groups to administer the COVID vaccines.

Western Health has recruited a large number of nurses to administer the vaccine, as well as other staff who will fill support roles.

All staff who work within the Vaccination Hub will receive specific training mandated by the Commonwealth and the Department of Health Victoria to ensure that they are appropriately educated and trained to safely and effectively undertake all elements of their role.

A Clinical Nurse Educator is part of the Hub to support staff skills, competencies and formal supervision.



Vaccination Hub Orientation

Authorised and emergency authorised workforce requirements

Position Description Authorised COVID-19 vaccination staff

COVID-19 vaccination workforce requirements

Commonwealth COVID-19 vaccination training program