I would like to take the opportunity to assure you that here at Western Health, we care about the wellbeing of each and every one of you, our employees. It is this commitment which has driven us to rapidly establish a number of avenues of support for you during this unprecedented time.
This is both a busy and unsettling time. Many of you will be dealing with a number of changes in both your work and personal lives and this can create a real sense of unease and stress.
I would like to share with you some important messages about self-care and kindness that will help all of us to pull together to care for ourselves , each other and our community, in keeping with the Western way. The following links will take you to some short videos about wellbeing. self- care and positive workplace. These were developed specially for you.
Wellbeing with Bryan Jeffrey
Wellbeing with Leonie Hall
Wellness Hubs
These have been established across our sites with one at Sunshine and one at Footscray, and a third to open next week at Williamstown.
These hubs have been established to provide you with a space to get away from your usual work area and seek support, to rest both physically and mentally so that you are able to perform at your best. There are a number of resources available at the hub, as well as Western Health counsellors and clinicians from our Employee Assistance Program to help support you if you are feeling stressed, anxious, lonely, overwhelmed or just for a general debriefing after a difficult day or while you adjust to the changes we are all dealing with.
If what you need is to NOT talk, then that’s ok too. You can grab a snack and sit in peace and quiet. This is something that a number of staff have found to be of great value.
Since opening on Monday 30 March, we have had approximately 200 employees visit the Sunshine wellness hub and 165 visit the Footscray hub. Feedback has been extremely positive.
Currently, hours are 7 am to 6pm and will operate over the coming Easter weekend and holiday period from 10 am -1pm.
You are more than welcome to drop in, even if it is just to see what the hubs have to offer and so you will know what support is there if you need it in the weeks ahead.
You are in our community’s thoughts
This is a challenging time for all of us so it is a lovely morale boost for us all to realise that we are in the thoughts of so many in the community.
Both businesses and individual members of the community have come forward to support us in droves with donations of meals and beverages and we are making these available at the wellness hubs. I know many of you are also taking up these generous offers throughout our community and that’s great.
The support we have been receiving is truly heart-warming.
Wellbeing and Support pages on this microsite
You can find a number of resources on the Wellbeing and Support pages of this, our coronavirus microsite. There is information on topics such as:
- Self-care
- Looking after members of your household
- Looking after others (for people leaders)
- Professional support
- Mental health
- Family violence
- Useful apps, and
- Wellness and Support Hubs
If you are unable to access the micrositem your supervisor/manager is able to print resources for you, please ask them to do this for you. Better still please come to the Wellness and Support hubs and the team there can provide you with the resources you need.
Wellbeing and Support Email
If you are unable to find the information you need on the microsite or you wish to speak to someone outside of the hub or its operating hours please send an email to [email protected] and a member of the team will respond to you within 24 hours.
P.S. With Easter approaching, keep an eye out for a friendly and hectic Easter bunny who is expected to drop off some hygienically wrapped mini surprises at our campuses tomorrow morning!
In the spirit of having a break from all the serious stuff, I thought you might be amused by this one (click on the image):
Suellen Bruce
Executive Director People, Culture and Communications
On behalf of the Western Health Executive team