There has been a significant increase in the number of eligible Victorians receiving their first dose of the Pfizer vaccine over the past few weeks. To ensure we can accommodate the large number of people who will fall due for their second dose of this vaccine in the coming weeks, we are following Department of Health advice and implementing the following changes to Pfizer vaccination from Monday 14 June:
There will be no walk-ins for any Pfizer vaccination. You will be required to make a booking by calling the hotline 1800 675 398 or accessing the online booking system
Those who have had the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine will receive the second dose. To receive your second dose, please call the hotline 1800 675 398 or access the online booking system to make a booking.
Those who have a pre-existing booking for first dose of Pfizer vaccine: Everyone who has already booked a first dose of Pfizer will receive their vaccine. Please attend for your vaccine appointment at the nominated time and place.
New bookings for first dose of Pfizer vaccine: From 14 June 2021 until further notice new bookings for the first dose of the Pfizer vaccine have been paused. The only exceptions are: people who work for Hotel Quarantine, people who work for Tidewatch, high rise accommodation residents and staff, Red Zone airport and marine port staff, and those with travel exemptions.
Walk-ins and bookings for AstraZeneca are still available