This morning Victoria’s Chief Health Officer, Professor Brett Sutton, announced the outbreak of COVID-19 cases linked to the Cedar Meats plant in Brooklyn had reached 49.
Prof Sutton also confirmed that a Western Health Sunshine Hospital staff member had tested positive as a result of exposure while caring for a Cedar Meats employee, who was later diagnosed with COVID-19.
We continue to provide support for our colleague and send them our best wishes.
No other staff members have tested positive at this time.
I realise that the mounting numbers in the cluster related to such a large facility in our region may be increasing your levels of concern about the potential impact on Western Health and our community if there is an increase in demand for hospital-based care.
Please be assured that we now have extensive plans in place to support expansion of services if patient presentations and demand increases at Western Health.
Your colleagues across all areas of the organisation have worked tirelessly to be highly prepared for any eventuality and you will see from our coronavirus site, just how comprehensive those preparations have been.
Today I’d also like to recognise the tremendous efforts of our infectious diseases and infection prevention teams during this pandemic as we reflect on and celebrate World Hand Hygiene Day yesterday. To all staff, please keep heeding the messages from our expert teams about the importance of washing your hands regularly.
Thank you for reading.
COVID-19 Daily Summary
• Respiratory Assessment Clinic presentations yesterday: Sunshine – 156; Sunbury – 84
• Numbers of individuals tested for COVID-19 at Western Health to date: 7234
• Numbers of individuals tested positive to date: 90
• Numbers of current inpatients with COVID-19: 0
Physical distancing
A reminder to all staff to remain conscious of maintaining appropriate physical distancing around our sites.
We understand it can be difficult to keep focused on these rules as the weeks pass, but it is critical we remain vigilant for the safety of each other, our families and our patients.
Sunbury Respiratory Assessment Clinic
Congratulations to everyone involved in setting up the Respiratory Assessment Clinic at Sunbury.
The COVID-19 clinic is a joint initiative between Western Health and Sunbury Community Health and has clearly been embraced by locals with 84 people tested yesterday alone.
Site visit guidance for contractors
Along with our staff, patients and visitors, keeping our contractors safe during COVID-19 is a priority for Western Health.
A factsheet has been prepared for reference by all contractors visiting Western Health, and for Western Health staff who manage and organise external contractors to perform any works on Western Health sites. Click here for more details.
COVID-19 testing for staff
A reminder that any Western Health staff who has COVID-19 symptoms, no matter how mild, should present to the Respiratory Assessment Clinic at Sunshine Hospital.
Staff who do not have any symptoms but who would like to be tested for COVID-19 are very welcome to attend one of Western Health’s three Asymptomatic Staff Testing Clinics this week. These clinics, at Sunshine, Footscray and Williamstown, are available to all clinical and non-clinical staff.
To make a booking, email the COVID-19 Staff Enquiry Helpdesk. Please include in your email: the site where you wish to be tested; your preference for three time periods that you are available (between 8am and 6pm); and contact phone number. The COVID-19 Staff Enquiry Helpdesk will respond to your enquiry within 24 hours.
The Asymptomatic Staff Testing Clinics are open daily from 8am-6pm until Sunday, 10 May:
- Sunshine Hospital – Pod 3, Outpatients, Ground Floor ASB
- Footscray Specialist Clinic – Private Consulting Rooms, Ground Floor
- Williamstown Hospital – Emergency Department