In line with Department of Health guidance, Western Health is easing visitation restrictions from today.
In-patients are now permitted two visitors each day who may visit for up to two hours during visiting hours. Visitors will no longer be required to meet specific criteria for the reason for visiting or have an exemption to visit, except in circumstances such as where the visitor has identified COVID risk factors. Visitors will continue to be screened upon entry to our sites. In some circumstances, such as if they are not vaccinated, they will be asked to perform a RAT before being granted entry.
Most patients attending out-patient areas are now permitted one support person for their visit. We will need to continue to ensure adequate physical distancing is maintained and some discretion may be required to avoid having too many people gathered in an area.
All visitors must wear an N95 mask where they are able to, otherwise they should be provided with a KF94.
Additional visiting outside of the specified restrictions may also be permitted in exceptional circumstances. Please refer the updated Visitation QRG on the microsite for further details.
New guidance for healthcare workers who are close contacts
You will also be aware that changes to the requirements for close contacts (household and household-like contacts) came into effect from midnight on Friday 22 April. These changes mean that healthcare workers no longer require a specific exemption to return to work if they are a household or household-like contact or quarantine outside of the workplace.
However, there still remains a number of criteria that must be met before staff may return to work including daily rapid antigen testing, wearing N95 masks and not sharing break room areas. Staff and managers should refer to the Return to work following exposure or COVID diagnosis QRG on the microsite for details. The QRG includes a checklist to assist managers in determining when their staff may return to work.
Executive Director Operations (Acting)