We are very fortunate in the Western Health Foundation, to have the guidance of our Director Julia who has been really mindful of our physical and mental health.
As we practice social distancing, we are having daily zoom meetings to stay in touch and connected as a team. We share updates on our work and lives and tell jokes to balance the uncertainty we’re all feeling. Personally, I feel very fortunate to be working in such a supportive environment.
Needless to say it is a really challenging time for us all in the health sector and we’ve had open and honest conversations about how we’re feeling and how we can best support each other. Julia has been very approachable in allowing us to share concerns and providing as much information to us as possible in this rapidly changing situation.
We currently have a team member on sick leave and we’ve all checked in to see if they need groceries or any other supplies to get through this time. We are only a small team but we care about each other and are doing our best to support each other.
Staff from the Foundation have also helped with the set up the Wellness centres in Footscray and Sunshine. We’re all in this together.
Katrina Desfosses