Today’s Grand Round, ‘The Latest Clinical Guidelines for Management of the Patient with COVID-19: An Overview’ followed an interactive scenario of a high-risk patient with COVID-19 from presentation to discharge.
The presentation discussed the clinical management changes for all patients at Western Health in response to the COVID-19 pandemic and attracted over 300 attendees.
A big thanks to our panel of speakers Dr James Bartlett, Dr Michael Augello, Dr James Molton and Dr Claire Burrows who led a highly informative and engaging session. A special thanks also to Dr Kyra Innes-Jones for facilitating the Grand Round session and to Dr Lucy Desmond for producing many of the wonderful clinical flowcharts.
Please see below details to access a recording of the COVID-19 Grand Round, held today via Zoom. You can also review a pdf of the slides here .
You should also frequently visit this link on our Coronavirus site to review the latest clinical guideline for the management of COVID-19 patients and other associated resources.
Meeting Recording:
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