Wellbeing & Support Update – 17 April

April 17, 2020

Welcome to the second edition of our Wellbeing & Support updates.

Again, I would like to take this opportunity to reinforce the fact that the wellbeing of our employees is our highest priority.

I will continue to provide you with a regular update on the resources we are creating and providing for you and encourage you to use them for yourself and with your colleagues, family and friends.

Today I would like to share another two videos, again, specifically designed for you.

The first video is about the importance of “recovery” and why we need to find some ways to achieve this and the second video is on mental health, why in these uncertain times we need to find ways to care for our mental health and you will find this video provides you with simple, practical tips that we can all use. They are part of a range of helpful videos you will find in the Wellbeing & Support section.


Wellbeing and Support Email

If you are unable to find the information you need on the microsite or you wish to speak to someone outside of the hub or its operating hours please send an email to [email protected] and a member of the team will respond to you within 24 hours.


Suellen – on behalf of the Executive team


Wellness and Support Hubs

Our Wellness and support hubs at Sunshine and Footscray sites have now been in operation for a number of weeks and the feedback from those using this resource has been overwhelmingly positive and the number of staff using them has been increasing on a daily basis.

Since opening the Sunshine and Footscray hubs, we have had approximately 480 employees visit the Footscray hub and 550 visit the Sunshine hub. Currently the opening hours are 7am to 6pm.

The Williamstown wellness and support hub has now opened and just like the others, it offers a space to get away from your usual work area to seek support, and to rest both physically and mentally so that you are able to perform at your best. There are a number of useful resources on caring for yourself, caring for others and tips on staying safe and staying well available at the hub. In addition there are Western Health counsellors and clinicians from our Employee Assistance Program to help support you if you are feeling stressed, anxious, lonely, overwhelmed or just for a general debriefing after a difficult day or to support you through all these changes and uncertainty.

Here’s a taste of what you can expect at the Williamstown wellbeing and support hub.


The wellness and support hubs operated over the Easter weekend and holiday period from 10am -1pm and were well utilised. Darrell Lea Australia kindly donated more than 6500 Easter Eggs to Western Health employees, most of which were given out over the weekend.

If you hurry, you might be able to pick up one of the few remaining from the wellness and support hubs. No promises though!

I would also like to thank the staff in my team who have so generously made time to support staff at the wellness hubs.

The team from 1A enjoying the Sunshine wellness hub over Easter.

Lunch spaces

Eating lunch with your colleagues is good for you. When you step away from your work area, interact with team members and take a mental break, you’re improving your wellbeing. The WCHRE Atrium at Sunshine Hospital is now open for this purpose and the MacArthur Room at Footscray Hospital will open shortly. These places will provide you with a place to go to, to sit down and have lunch. Remember, it’s essential that you sit at least 1.5m apart, even from colleagues you work closely with.

Sorting fact from fiction

In times like these we know that news travels fast, and sorting fact from fiction can be a task in itself.  Incorrect information, usually shared unintentionally, can be damaging. Whether its incorrect information about a clinical procedure, incorrect data about how the virus is progressing or theories about why particular decisions are made, it can be a source of unnecessary worry or at its worst, cause an error in the provision of patient care. If you hear something that concerns you, or just doesn’t sound right, don’t hesitate to do your own fact checking. You can go about this by checking the Quick Reference Guides, Clinical Guidelines and External Resources via this coronavirus microsite. You can also send an email to [email protected] and simply ask whatever you like, even if it’s “I heard this, is it true?”

Happy item

Comfort items aren’t just for kids. Adults like things that give us a warm, fuzzy feeling too, and items that evoke memories of happy times can help us get through a rough moment or even a rough day. So tomorrow, bring in an item or two that holds a precious happy memory and keep it in your locker/workspace, so you can turn to it in those difficult moments to help you manage your stress. Sounds quirky, but give it a try!

Wellbeing and Support Pages on this Microsite

You can find a large number of very useful and relevant resources on the Wellbeing and Support pages of our coronavirus microsite. If you are unable to access the microsite, your supervisor/manager is able to print resources for you or assist you to access them, please ask them to do this for you.

Better still, head to the Wellness and Support hubs and the team there can provide you with the resources you need.

Kindness matters

Be sure to check in regularly to the Kindness Matters section of this site to see the many wonderful messages of support from our local community. It is a great encouragement to us all, knowing the support that it is out there for all of us here at Western Health – even from the little ones amongst us!

The children at Brenbeal Children’s Centre, located next to Footscray Hospital, created a rainbow collage to thank and encourage everyone at Western Health.