Staff leading by example wearing correct PPE are being recognised with spot giveaways to reinforce the message that protecting ourselves and our colleagues is of great importance.
At Sunshine Hospital this week, staff were given Kit Kats as a small thank you for compliance with the Tier 1 PPE requirements introduced early this month.
While wearing PPE is familiar to many, there are staff adjusting to using this PPE having little or no prior experience with it. Becoming familiar with wearing a surgical mask and face shield or other correct eye protection in general areas, including work and public areas of the hospitals, takes some getting used to but there are many shining stars across the hospital taking this change in their stride.
Lauren Guy, Project Officer with the COVID-19 Team joined the Public Affairs team to recognise staff across our hospitals in their efforts to comply with the PPE guidelines.
“It’s really encouraging to see strong compliance with correct PPE being worn by staff in all areas, and it’s particularly nice to see plenty of smiles behind the masks, even though it has taken a period of adjustment for many of us to wear this level of PPE for extended periods in all settings,” Lauren said.
A special shout out to staff photographed in CBR, GEM, RAC, reception, security and JKWC entrance screening for their participation and PPE compliance.
Well done to all staff for their efforts and persistence in this matter. Wearing a surgical mask and shield or correct eye protection will help protect you from contracting COVID-19 from another person, whether it is a staff member or a patient or visitor. Tier 1 PPE also reduces the risk from someone who does not have symptoms but may be infected and contagious.
Thanks to Nestle for donating the Kit Kats for staff. Look out for more spot checks and Kit Kats!