A shout out to the Physiotherapy team who have working hard to keep everyone’s spirits up and maintain a sense of togetherness at this difficult time.
They’ve been sharing their ideas and examples on the Western Health Physiotherapy Facebook page, including the Footscray cardio team taking a “mobile morning tea break” by getting out for a quick walk on the streets around WHF at appropriate social distances, and the Sunshine Acute team taking staggered lunch breaks and enjoying a social distance lunch on their jumbo picnic rug.
Physiotherapist, Allison Luscombe shares more: “Where we would usually have rosters for weekly afternoon or morning teas, we are emailing memes in place of sharing treats. We have been sending around riddles for people to work on and discuss at break times as a way of talking about things not coronavirus-related, and as of today have started up a weekly trivia competition because we all know we are a competitive bunch!”