May 26, 2021

As you will all be aware, the situation in Melbourne is changing rapidly. For this reason I will keep this update brief and will send any changes to advice as it comes through.

Firstly, there are now over 40 Tier 1 exposure sites listed in Melbourne and regional Victoria. This is changing rapidly, so I am asking all staff to please check the list of exposure sites, twice per day as this list is being frequently updated. The daily attestation also contains a link to the current exposure sites.

If you or a household contact have been at one of the Tier 1 exposure sites, please follow the directions on the Department of Health website regarding isolation and testing. Do not attend work and contact COVID Staff Enquiries at whscovid-19staffclinicenquiries@wh.org.au .

I encourage all staff to be vigilant with PPE, physical distancing and hand hygiene. We know these are all really effective protective strategies. Surgical masks are now mandatory indoors and we encourage staff to wear eye protection in clinical settings. If your area requires a PPE top up eg. for additional face shields or masks, please email Covid-19PPE@wh.org.au.


Current Western Health Advice:


·            Face masks mandatory for everybody indoors at all Western Health sites

·            Eye protection (face shields or goggles) is STONGLY RECOMMENDED in all clinical settings


·            One visit per patient per day of a maximum of two visitors at a time, within visitation hours 12pm-8pm.

·            Exceptions remain for compassionate reasons.

Outpatients and Ambulatory Care:

·        Where clinically appropriate telehealth encouraged for outpatients, with a risk assessment for face-to-face appointments.

Face-to-face meetings:

·        Only if absolutely required eg clinical handover meetings.  Masks and physical distancing please.

Cross – campus travel:

·        Please reconsider if absolutely required

·        No student cross campus placements.

I feel confident that we know how to respond to this emerging risk and we have all strategies and plans in place. I will keep you updated with any further changes to advice.

Please feel free to reach out to your line manager if you have any queries and they can support you to resolve/escalate these as required.

Thanks, everyone.
