September 25, 2020

It’s pleasing to end the week with news that the average number of COVID-19 cases in our community continues to decrease. I’d like to acknowledge the work you have all been doing to minimise the risk of transmission across all of the sites at Western Health. However it’s still far too early to let our guards down.

Our infection prevention and infectious diseases teams are continually assessing how we can better protect our staff and patients from COVID-19. I would like to remind you that the repeated use of single-use gloves should never occur. Please change your single use gloves as frequently as needed. Using alcohol rub to sanitise the gloves between patient interactions is not an option – instead the gloves must be changed. Please always change your gloves after every single patient interaction and whenever clinically indicated, including where appropriate within the one episode of patient care. We have ample supplies.

Regarding masks, we understand that their constant use can be damaging to your skin. This is particularly the case for P2/N95 masks. Fortunately these skin issues can be prevented and managed by following some key principles of skin care and pressure injury management. Please refer to this new QRG on the microsite, which contains some great advice.

Finally, I’d like to remind all staff to continue to register your on-site attendance. All staff working on site need to fill in paper attendance sheets, as well as completing the electronic daily attestation, for every shift. This ensures that our contact tracing team can quickly track the movements of staff and limit the spread of COVID-19, should there be any outbreaks.



Lebe Malkoun, Acting Executive Director Operations



COVID-19 Daily Summary

COVID-19 Daily Summary

  • Number of Respiratory Assessment Clinic presentations yesterday – all sites: 229
  • Numbers of confirmed COVID-19 inpatients: 12
  • Wards/areas closed due to outbreaks: –
  • Numbers of staff who have tested positive for COVID 19: 187
  • Numbers of staff who are currently on leave for COVID 19: 8
  • Numbers of staff who have returned to work post COVID 19: 179

Standard and Transmission Based Precautions Training Module

A reminder to all staff to complete the Western Health Standard and Transmission Based Precautions Training Module. The information contained within this course can help to keep you, your colleagues and our patients safe. Please click here to access the course via WeLearn.

Language services for patients

The QRG on the provision of language services to Western Health has been updated on the microsite. Click here for details.

PPE updates on microsite

The PPE section of our COVID microsite includes an extensive range of resources to help you with the correct selection, and donning and doffing of PPE.

Click here for the latest.


COVID SHIELD is a COVID-19 prevention study currently enrolling health care professionals across Australia. This clinical trial will assess whether the drug hydroxychloroquine is useful in protecting health care workers who are at risk of exposure to SARS-CoV-2 in their daily professional roles. COVID SHIELD is a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study – the gold standard – and has been reviewed by the Human Research Ethics Committee at Melbourne Health and multiple NHMRC-accredited bodies. It is being led by the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute of Medical Research in collaboration with major hospitals and health services across the country.

Click here for more information.

COVID-19 Staff Helpdesk

Western Health has a dedicated COVID-19 Staff Enquiries Helpdesk, which is available to both individual staff and managers. Confidentiality is assured.

Email is recommended as the first point of contact where possible:
Emails will be responded to within 24 hours.

Telephone contact: via Switch 8345 6666, choose option 1 for COVID – then request Staff Enquiries Helpdesk.