August 17, 2021

The re-introduction of the essential worker permit system was among the new COVID restrictions announced by the Victorian Government yesterday.

I’m writing to confirm that hospital and emergency services workers are exempt from this requirement. This means that your Western Health ID badge, which shows your name and photograph, is sufficient proof of your status as an essential worker.

Students are required to carry their Western Health ID if issued, or a letter from their university that states they are working on placement with Western Health.

Agency or contractor staff required to work on a Western Health site should be provided the necessary documentation confirming they are an essential worker via their own organisation.

A reminder today about our new processes for staff returning to work following exposure to a Tier 2 exposure site. From now on, staff no longer need to contact the COVID Staff Enquiries service if they have been to a Tier 2 exposure site. Instead, they should get clearance to return to work by presenting their negative COVID test result to their manager. Full details in the bulletin below.

Finally, I want to thank you all again for your ongoing hard work. Yesterday was a difficult day, with the extension of lockdown as well as the return of Melbourne’s curfew and closure of playgrounds. Let’s continue to stick together and support each other, as we’ve done so well throughout the pandemic.

Thanks for reading.



Clearance to work after Tier 2 exposure

Staff must continue to follow the Department of Health’s guidelines following an exposure to a Tier 1, Tier 2 or Tier 3 exposure site.

From now on, staff will no longer need to contact the COVID Staff Enquiries service if they have been to a Tier 2 exposure site. Instead, staff should obtain clearance to return to work via their line manager.

There are three important exceptions. You must email COVID Staff Enquiries if the Tier 2 exposure site you have visited relates to:

  • A school
  • An apartment building
  • CS Square Shopping Centre in Caroline Springs

All other enquiries should still be directed to the COVID Staff Enquiries service, including:

  • A Tier 1 exposure OR contact with a confirmed case of COVID-19
  • Returning from a RED or ORANGE zone
  • Worked or volunteered in a Hotel Quarantine site
  • Been released from Hotel Quarantine
  • Worked in a COVID streaming area at another hospital
  • A household member who has attended a Tier 1 exposure site
  • General enquiries


Please make sure you are across the PPE requirements that apply to you. Visit the PPE section of our COVID microsite.

CHO update

Click here to read today’s update by the Chief Health Officer.