With the number of COVID-19 community transmissions increasing, Western Health is continuing to prepare for a surge in the number of people requiring hospital care. As has been the case throughout the pandemic, we are working closely with the Department of Health and our colleagues in other metropolitan health services to prepare for the full spectrum of possible scenarios.
As part of our surge planning, Western Health is looking at ways to pause non-essential work. The pandemic is clearly putting extra pressure on our resources, and we must continue to focus on what is always our top priority – providing Best Care to our communities. Reviewing what is “non-essential” during this COVID outbreak is something that can be done at an organisational, team and individual level.
I’m pleased to let you know that today we’ve introduced a new QR code system for our break rooms. Under this new system, every tea and break room across all Western Health sites will have a unique QR code. All staff entering a break room, for any length of time, must “check in” using the QR code. Managers will be required to print out the QR codes for display in their areas (full details in the bulletin below). This new system will help the Western Health Contact Tracing Team in the event of an outbreak on-site, so please assist your colleagues by using the QR codes every time you enter a tea or break room.
Finally, I’d also like to remind all staff about the importance of vaccination. Please take advantage of our new priority vaccination booking system for Western Health staff, family and household members. More details in the bulletin below.
Don’t forget to tune into Russell’s CEO webinar at 2pm today: https://westernhealth.zoom.us/j/95020834106?pwd=RHh3czZaRk1jVnI3eUF0eG00S0dJdz09
Passcode: 653976
Thanks for keeping updated.
QR codes in break rooms
A new QR code system is being introduced in tea and break rooms across WH.
A unique QR code will be used for every break room across Western Health
All staff entering a break room, for any length of time, must Check-In using the QR code.
Your information will be stored securely and will only be accessed by the Western Health Contact Tracing Team for the purpose of contact tracing.
Note to managers:
Managers are requested to click on this link: http://qrcodes.wh.org.au.
Select the relevant break room(s) from the list provided and print out the QR for display in the break room(s).
If your break area is not listed please click on the link at the bottom of the QR Code listing front page to request a QR code
Work is underway to expand the QR code use more broadly across Western Health to other high traffic areas.
Staff vaccination bookings
We now have a priority booking system for the vaccination of Western Health staff, family and household members.
To make a vaccination booking request, please email [email protected] and provide the following information:
- Staff member name
- Staff member employee number
- Area of work (ward / unit / service)
- And the following for each family and/or household member:
- Date of Birth
- Email and phone number
- Address
- Medicare Card
- Preferred Western Health Vaccination Hub location
A member of the administration team will make the appointment and send you a confirmation email within 48 hours.