Operations Bulletin – 11 January

January 11, 2022

We saw some large numbers reported for COVID positive cases in Victoria over the weekend, perhaps driven by the Victorian Government’s new online reporting system for rapid antigen tests.

These are challenging times for us as Victorians and for us as a health service; however, I want to acknowledge your continued efforts and to reiterate that I am confident that Western Health will continue to respond well to these challenges as we have done so in the past.

The COVID response leadership team is meeting daily to discuss patient demand and staff resourcing, and responding as required including a recent shift to a 1-6 nurse to patient ratio. For further updates on the current landscape, I encourage you to join Russell’s webinar at 2pm today.


Executive Director Operations (Acting)

Guidance regarding staff returning to work after an exposure or COVID diagnosis

A reminder that staff do not need to receive clearance from the COVID Staff Enquiries Helpdesk (whscovid-19staffclinicenquiries@wh.org.au); however, should instead refer to the Return to work following exposure or COVID diagnosis QRG. Staff and managers should read this guidance carefully and apply the appropriate recommendations to their situation. Provided the conditions are met, staff may return to work immediately and do not require any further approval or authorisation.

Household and household-like contacts are now able to return to work if they meet a set of criteria. A checklist is now available for Managers to assess eligibility of staff who are household and household-like contacts to return to work via an exemption process. Please refer to the following Furlough Staff Manager Checklist for Exemption to Return to Work QRG available here.

Availability of rapid antigen tests for staff

Rapid antigen tests (RATs) are available for eligible staff at the following Western Health sites.

Sunshine Hospital via the COVID testing clinic

  • Asymptomatic staff can collect by entering via the Pod 1 entrance within the main hospital building opposite lifts.
  • COVID positive staff collecting a RAT on Day 7 for return to work on Day 8 can access RAT via the outside entrance to the clinic on Furlong Road.

Footscray Hospital

  • Eligible asymptomatic staff can obtain RAT tests from the Staff Testing Clinic in the Private Consulting Rooms.

Bacchus Marsh/Melton

  • Eligible asymptomatic staff can obtain RAT tests from the IPC team or Urgent Care centre after hours.

Sunbury Day Hospital

  • Eligible asymptomatic staff can obtain RAT tests from the information desk 7am-5pm Monday – Wednesday and 7am-4pm Thursday and Friday. RAT kits can be obtained after hours from the Dialysis.

Williamstown Hospital

  • Eligible asymptomatic staff can obtain RAT tests from the information desk from Monday-Friday 7:30am -8pm and Saturday-Sunday 12pm-8pm.  RAT kits can be obtained after hours via the Williamstown Emergency .

WH staff will be required to fill out a record sheet when signing our receipt of the RAT kits.

Each RAT kit includes instructions on how to use the tests and record results via a REDCap survey.

Staff leave arrangements

For guidance on current leave arrangements for staff, please refer to Leave & Employment Matters information on our Coronavirus microsite.

COVID-19 vaccination program for 5-11 year olds commences

COVID-19 vaccinations for children aged 5-11 commenced from Monday 10 January and are available through some state-run hubs (Melton and Sunshine included), participating GPs and pharmacies and Aboriginal Controlled Community Health Organisations.

Bookings for these sites are available online at https://portal.cvms.vic.gov.au or via the Coronavirus Hotline on 1800 675 398 between 8am and 8pm, 7 days a week.

The paediatric Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine reduces COVID-19 risks for children and has the additional benefit of reducing risks of transmission to older contacts. For more information, visit our COVID-19 microsite.

COVID-19 booster doses to be made mandatory for healthcare workers

The Victorian Minister for Health will issue a pandemic order on Wednesday 12 January at 11.59pm that will make booster doses mandatory for a range of critical workers including healthcare workers. A reminder to staff that if you had your second dose in September or earlier, you are eligible for your booster dose this month. We will provide further updates on this topic as information comes to hand.