August 10, 2020

Under new guidelines from the Department of Health and Human Services, attendance worksheets must now be completed every day for all shifts where employees are working on site at any of our facilities, from today onwards.
These worksheets are part of the Stage 4 restrictions and form part of having a COVID safe work plan in place. Please click here to access the worksheet template. Managers are requested to facilitate the completion of these attendance worksheets on a daily basis and provide completed attendance worksheets to Directors so the Division can scan and file as the attendance worksheets must be kept for a minimum of 28 days.

Thanks to all staff for your efforts in adhering to our PPE guidelines, which are vital in keeping our patients and each other as safe as possible during COVID-19. Please remember that masks should only be taken off when you are eating and drinking – and they must be replaced once you have done so. Try to think ahead and take a fresh mask with you on your food or drink breaks. Take your mask off completely while you are eating or drinking, using the straps and being careful not to handle the mask itself. Carefully discard of your old mask – and put on the new one – once you have finished eating or drinking. And remember – hand hygiene before and after you touch your mask please! (For advice on the proper fitting of an N95 mask, see the video in the bulletin below).

Today I would like to acknowledge and thank the after hours administrators and bed managers who effectively run our hospitals after hours! They do an incredible job in remaining calm under exceptionally busy and complex circumstances. Take for instance the 53 babies that were born at Joan Kirner Women’s and Children’s over the weekend. Well done to everyone involved.

Finally, two Western Health staff members featured in the media over the weekend. Graduate nurse and midwife Beth Mazzarella told ABC News what it’s been like to start her career during COVID-19 and Dr Ines Pedrovaz spoke to Nine News about how she sought counselling in the early stages of the pandemic. Beth and Ines are representative of so many of you. Staff across all areas of Western Health are going the extra mile in all sorts of ways during this pandemic, and I don’t underestimate the stress this might be causing. I commend Ines for seeking support when she needed it, and encourage you all to do the same. Western Health’s Employee Assistance Program is available to all staff and can be accessed by calling 1800 099 444 or emailing [email protected]


Thanks for reading.






COVID-19 Daily Summary

  • Number of Respiratory Assessment Clinic presentations over the weekend – all sites: 582
  • Numbers of confirmed COVID-19 inpatients: 84

PPE guidelines

If you have any questions about PPE, please see the guidelines on the microsite or contact our PPE team. Click here.

How to correctly fit an N95 mask

Please click here to see an expert demonstration of how to properly fit an N95 mask.