Daily Bulletin from the COVID-19 Command Centre

25 March 2020

Prime Minister Scott Morrison and Chief Medical Officer Brendan Murphy last night gave us a sobering reminder of the challenges being presented by COVID-19. While the Government is implementing measures to support community safety, I’d like to reassure you that so too is Western Health. All areas of our organisation are working extremely hard to prepare for the predicted further outbreak.

Today, we ask for community support as we introduce additional restrictions on visitors, all in an effort to provide the safest possible environment for our patients and staff. From tomorrow, each Western Health patient will be allowed a maximum of one visitor per day, unless there are exceptional circumstances. Further details on this new measure are outlined in the bulletin below.

We’ll have more updates from our COVID-19 leadership teams tomorrow.




Friday 20 March – 80
Saturday 21 March – 65
Sunday 22 March – 61
Monday 23 March – 130
Tuesday 24 March – 150

From tomorrow, each Western Health patient will be restricted to one visitor per day. All visitors will be screened on entry, including having their temperature checked. We also advise that anybody who has been overseas or had close contact with a suspected case of COVID-19 in the past 14 days will not be permitted to visit. Children under 16 will not be allowed to enter our sites unless there are exceptional circumstances.
We would appreciate your support in implementing these new restrictions, which aim to protect our patients and staff.

Free Wifi is being rolled out across all Western Health campuses today for use by patients and staff. Click here for more information and login details. Patient and Guest Wi Fi information

A reminder that the best way to contact Western Health’s COVID-19 Staff Clinic Inquiry Line is now via email. Send your contact details to whscovid-19staffclinicenquiries@wh.org.au and a staff member will be in touch within 24 hours.

The Sunshine Hospital courtyard has been closed. Unfortunately staff were not following physical distancing guidelines in this space. We ask staff to please maintain adequate space between themselves and others at all times where practically possible. Physical distancing is one of the most effective ways of minimising the spread of COVID-19.

All WCHRE rooms for all training and meetings – with the exception of COVID-19, PPE or EMR training – will be closed until further notice. We are now encouraging Western Health staff, where possible, to conduct all meetings and training sessions via Zoom, using desktop PCs, laptops or mobile phones in your own space. Zoom guides are available on the COVID-19 microsite.
Please ensure that all bookings for rooms in the WCHRE building, from now until May 31, are cancelled. We thank you for your understanding.

The following changes have been made to our libraries.

Footscray: The library is now closed to general entry, including after-hours and weekends. Library staff will continue to work on-site Monday-Friday and can be contacted by phone or email to answer queries and provide support. Print loans can be returned through the book return chute near the entrance door.

Sunshine WCHRE: Current opening times and services will continue for the present time. Employees and students will need to bring their own devices as keyboards have been removed from the library computers.

Like all areas of Western Health, the coronavirus outbreak is affecting how we approach our research.
All departments with research programs and clinical trials under way need to have appropriate contingencies in place that ensure that the safety and wellbeing of patients is upheld, that staff are not placed in harm’s way, and that resources are not being unduly expended during these challenging times.
Keeping our trial participants and sponsors informed is also important. Click on the QRG here for information about Western Health research during the coronavirus outbreak.

Western Health’s uniform supplier has advised that have a considerable stockholding of scrubs which staff may wish to purchase to wear while at work. Orders can be placed via the following link: www.westernhealthuniforms.com.au/
They have also offered several items at discounted prices in recognition of their long-term relationship with Western Health and their desire to support our staff through this challenging time.
If you are wearing your own scrubs, as a safety measure please do not wear them as you travel to and from work.

At this stage, priests and clergy may only be called in to visit Western Health patients who are inpatients at Sunshine Hospital Inpatient Palliative Care Unit or Sunshine Hospital Ward 2E and require Last Rites or Confession.
Patients who do not fit these criteria may receive general pastoral support and blessings from members of the Pastoral Care Team if required.
Families are also encouraged to contact their own priests, who may agree to support over the phone or via FaceTime/Zoom/Skype/WhatsApp. Please click here for further information.
We understand how hard this is for patients, families, the staff who support them, and the priests themselves who are distressed not being able to offer in-person sacramental support. However we ask for your co-operation for the sake of the safety of everyone involved.