There have been changes to the adult MET (and call for help) response model at Footscray Hospital and the Sunshine Hospital precinct to increase the available support for the management of deteriorating patients.
From Monday 20th July the ICU Liaison Nurses and ICU registrars were joined by additional CCU Nurses and Anaesthesia team members to increase capacity in the pre-COVID phase to meet increased demand and acuity on Western Health wards. This ‘Critical Care Outreach Team’ provides increased support to manage deteriorating patients in a period of increased demand related to COVID 19.
The current process for the escalation of clinical deterioration utilising Urgent Clinical Review (UCR), MET and Code Blue will remain unchanged across Western Health (dial 444).
Contact phone numbers and referral process for ICU Liaison support also remains unchanged.
Please click on the image below to download an updated printable poster to laminate and display in your area. Please be sure to share this information with your colleagues.