COVID-19 Information for Doctors

Please ensure you are using the current version of any guideline and check with ID if unclear.

1. Clinical Management Guidelines

COVID Clinical Guidelines for Doctors (available from the Antimicrobial Stewardship intranet page) should be utilised for adult patients (16 years and older) with suspected or confirmed COVID-19 who are admitted as an inpatient to Western Health.

2. Acute Resuscitation Plan
As the COVID-19 pandemic intensifies, we’ll need to be even more vigilant with regards to patient goals of care and Acute Resuscitation Plans (ARPs) in the event of deterioration, which must be completed for all patients on admission (excluding day cases/day admissions).

This will be the responsibility of the treating medical team and the accountability for this lies with the ward consultant. ARP decision-making must be recorded and include discussion with the patient & their family/Medical Treatment Decision-Maker about realistic goals and preferences in the event of severe illness and likelihood of recovery to a level that the patient would find acceptable.

3. Testing Criteria
The Victorian Department of Health provides up to date guidance on testing criteria for suspected COVID-19 patients.

4. Collecting a respiratory swab
The correct technique for collecting a swab for COVID-19 testing is important. Click on this link for further information.

5. De-isolation and cohorting of suspected COVID-19 patients
Click on this link for information in the de-isolation process

6. Other Infection Prevention Strategies
As well as PPE there are many other highly effective infection prevention strategies. The virus can stick to surfaces for many days, so the Medical Education Unit have produced a fact sheet for how we can reduce the spread at work.

7. Zoom
During the COVID-19 pandemic the vast majority of teaching sessions and meetings will be held virtually via Zoom. Please familiarise yourself with this User Guide

8. COVID-19 Staff Enquiries Helpdesk

Western Health has a dedicated COVID-19 Staff Enquiries Helpdesk to respond to staff enquiries related to COVID-19. Staff can contact the Helpdesk directly with questions about onset of COVID-19 symptoms, exposures to COVID-19 in the community or home, testing criteria or clinic information. Managers can also contact the Helpdesk team to seek advice about COVID related matters impacting their staff. Please note, staff confidentiality will be maintained at all times.

Staff can contact the WH COVID-19 Staff Enquiries service by:

  • Completing details via a survey accessible at this link. Once the survey has been submitted you will receive an email with guidance relating to your particular situation.
  • Emailing via the following email address: [email protected]. Emails will be responded to within 24 hours (note – this time may vary during outbreaks)
  • Telephone contact via Switch 8345 6666. Choose option 1 for COVID – then request Staff Enquiries Helpdesk.

Hours of operation:

Monday to Friday – 8.00 – 16.30

Sunday – 9.00 – 13.00

Public Holidays – closed