Hi everyone,
We have become aware that a Western Health staff member working in the Hospital In The Home (HITH) program and another on ward 3B at Footscray, have tested positive for COVID-19. Ward 3B is closed to admissions and discharges at the current time.
Our infection prevention team, together with the Western Public Health Unit, are working together to review this situation. Contact tracing is well underway to identify staff who might be impacted. Infection prevention will be in touch with these staff directly and they should access COVID testing at Sunshine Hospital between 9am and 5.30pm.
All other staff (clinical and non-clinical) who have attended:
- Ward 3B at Footscray Hospital on or since 20 September
- Hospital In The Home (including administrative areas) on or since 19 September
And who have not been contacted directly by Infection Prevention, are able to continue to work but are required to take the following actions:
- Get tested even if you are well. Asymptomatic testing is available at the Sunshine Hospital COVID Testing Clinic, open from 7am-5.30pm daily or Footscray Hospital Private Consulting Rooms open until 7pm tonight and then from 7.15am – 4pm daily.
- Enter the Western Health surveillance testing program. Details of the surveillance testing program can be found here. Staff must continue on the surveillance testing program for 14 days since their last exposure.
- Continue to work wearing an N95 mask and eye protection.
We are aware that wearing PPE and being aware of physical distancing guidelines can be challenging for all of us, however a reminder that in all clinical areas of Western Health, we are requesting staff wear a P2/N95 mask and eye protection– preferably a face shield.
A reminder, for any staff with any COVID symptoms, no matter how mild, please:
- Do not attend work
- Immediately isolate
- Contact the COVID staff enquiries and give them your details
- Attend Sunshine Hospital COVID Testing Clinic which is open from 09:00 to 17:30 each day.
Please also see below an important COVID EMR reminder: always ensure the COVID-19 Initial Screening Tool has been completed for all inpatients.
John Ferraro
EMR COVID Screening Tool
Important COVID EMR reminder: always ensure the COVID-19 Initial Screening Tool has been completed for all inpatients.
It is imperative when you are admitting a patient that you must complete the COVID-19 Initial Screening Tool in the EMR. Instructions on how to do this are available here. By completing this screening tool, you will generate an Infectious Risk – COVID 19 Confirmed alert if appropriate for the patient.
In the EMR, the Infectious Risk – COVID 19 Confirmed alert is an important communication tool that is being used to help staff working across our hospitals identify COVID positive patients and ensure other staff and our patients are kept safe.
If an admitted patient hasn’t had the COVID-19 Initial Screening Tool completed it should be undertaken as a priority.
As an additional safety check, it’s always important to double check all the EMR alerts for your patient including their Infectious Risk – COVID 19 alerts, and ensure they are correct when reviewing your patient. Instructions on how to review COVID-19 alerts in the EMR are available here.
Do not cancel or resolve Infectious Alerts without contacting Infection Prevention or the COVID Deisolation team.
If you would like any further information please contact the Digital Health Team: Anthony Barberi ([email protected]) or Ann Boo ([email protected])