The latest version (V9) of our PPE Guidelines is now available here. There are a few new additions in the latest guidelines however the main difference is the easy to use new format. For this version, feedback was obtained and incorporated from front-line clinicians and our fantastic crew of PPE Champions.
We trust this version is easier to follow and assists all staff to select and use PPE appropriately to help keep each other and our patients safe.
There has been some confusion over when the use of a plastic apron is required. The recommendation is that plastic aprons are worn as part of Standard Precautions when either:
- Close direct patient contact is likely OR,
- Contact with the patient environment is likely when clothing may become contaminated.
Accompanying these guidelines is an updated version of the COVID-19 PPE Tier Poster, found here as well as the introduction of COVID-19 PPE posters for Maternity Services and Newborn Services.
For COVID-19 PPE Tier requirements for maternity services click here
For COVID-19 PPE Tier requirements for newborn services click here.
Please be sure to share this information with your colleagues.