Please click the link below for a short (20 minute) video for Allied Health on COVID-19, presented by Dr. Marion Kainer or access the slidedeck here: Kainer_Keep_Safe_COVID_20200707
EMR training
Face to face EMR training session dates and times for Allied Health staff can be viewed by visiting the Training page of the LiveEMR information site.
The EMR online learning package is available on WeLearn
Zoom User Guide
During the COVID-19 pandemic, the vast majority of training and meetings will be held virtually via Zoom. Please familiarise yourself with this user guide. Additional Zoom information can be accessed on the Allied Health intranet page.
AHA Equipment Learning Package
This learning package aims to familiarise Allied Health Assistants with their roles in relation to equipment, as well as the common equipment types used at Western Health.
Development of Patient Related Information
The development or review of Western Health Patient Information is guided by a process outlined in the “Producing Written Consumer Information” procedure here.
The procedure ensures a clear feedback and approval process that supports consistency of information format and quality across Western Health.
Online training for health care workers
Online training on COVID-19 from the federal government is accessible via
This is a 30 minute online module focusing on infection control. There are some very useful video links included, so well worth a look.
The most important thing to consider while writing your essay is to stick to a predetermined outline. When you start writing it is crucial to draw up a blueprint for your entirety of the paper. A plan will allow you to get a clear idea as well as create an innovative method of approaching the subject. Another pair of eyes read over your essay will aid in the process. You might want essay writing help to consider engaging a ghostwriter in order to have the essay written and edited for you. Listed below are the steps to write an outline, and a final product.
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